Asta: 552 / Collection Bunte del 09 dicembre 2023 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 527


Hermann Stenner
Auferstehung, 1914.
Olio su tela
€ 80,000 / $ 82,400
€ 241,300 / $ 248,539

( commissione inclusa)
Auferstehung. 1914.
Oil on canvas.
167 x 143 cm (65.7 x 56.2 in).
With the painting "Badende Frauen" (Hülsewig-Johnen/Reipschläger 91) on the reverse.
The painting was made in Stuttgart in May 1914, shortly before the Meerseburg stint. Stenner wrote in a letter from May 1, 1914:"[..] I was so immersed into my large painting that I did not find the time to write. I doubt that it will be awarded, because there is a tremendous participation (all countries on the Rhine), on top of that my picture is so modern that it hardly has any chances [..] Baumeister and Schlemmer just stopped by. Both agreed to my picture. They say it was th best I ever made [..] Hözel was content, too.". And in a letter from May 12, 1914 he wrote: My new big work will definitely be shown in the exhibition. That's what Hölzel told me today." [JS].

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate.
Erich Stenner, Bielefeld.
Privat collection (since 1956).
Hermann-Josef Bunte Collection, Bielefeld.

EXHIBITION: Kunstausstellung Stuttgart, Verband der Kunstfreunde in den Ländern am Rhein, Königliches Kunstgebäude Stuttgart, May-October 1914.
Wilhelm Morgner - Hermann Stenner, Städtisches Kunsthaus Bielefeld, 2 - 30/5/1954, cat. no. 44.
Hermann Stenner 1891-1914, Städtisches Kunsthaus, Bielefeld, 9/9 - 14/10/1956, cat. no. 244 (with the label on the stretcher).
Hermann Stenner 1891-1914, Spendhaus Reutlingen, 5/5 - 16/6/1974, cat. no.34 (fig. 7).
Der Hölzelkreis bis 1914, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, 30/6 - 4/8/1974, cat. no. 154 (fig. p. 83).
Zwischen Brücke und Blauer Reiter. Rheinisch-Westfälischer Expressionismus, Kulturhistorisches Museum Waldhof, Bielefelder Kunstverein e.V., 9/12/1984 - 13/1/1985, cat. no. 21.
The Fallen. An Exhibition of Nine Artists who lost their Lives in World War One, Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 5/11/1988 - 15/1/1989, p. 67.
Hermann Stenner 1891-1914, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, 2/6 - 25/8/1991; Städtische Galerie, Albstadt, 8/9 - 27/10/1991; Galerie der Stadt Sindelfingen, 8/11 - 29/12/1991, cat. no. 40 (fig. p. 97).
Expresionismo alemán, Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno, las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14/11/1995 - 25/2/1996, fig. p. 192 (with a label on the stretcher).
Die Sammlung Hermann-Josef Bunte. Deutsche Malerei des XX. Jahrhunderts, Hamburger Kunsthalle und Galerie der Haspa, December 1, 1999 - March 5, 2000 / Kunsthalle Wilhelmshaven, 12.3.-24.4.2000 / Kunst-Museum Ahlen, 21.5. - 16.7.2000, Museum Baden, Solingen, 20.8.-17.9.2000.
Zwischentöne-Sammlung Hermann-Josef Bunte, Edwin-Scharff-Museum, Neu-Ulm, 16.11.2000-21.1.2001.
Künstler der Hamburgischen Sezession aus der Sammlung Hermann-Josef Bunte, Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, Halle, 28.1.-11.3.2001.
Malerei der Hamburgischen Sezession (1919-1933) aus der Sammlung Hermann-Josef Bunte, Haus am Waldsee, Berlin April 24 - June 17, 2001.
Zwischentöne. Sonderentwickungen des Expressionismus in der Sammlung Hermann Josef Bunte, Galerie der Stadt Aschaffenburg, Jesuitenkirche, June 29 - August 26, 2001, pp. 28 ff. (fig. p. 29).
Verlorene Nähe.Menschenbilder in der Sammlung Bunte, Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloss Gottdorf, Schleswig, December 1, 2001 - January 20, 2002, Städtische Galerie in der Reithalle Schloss Neuhaus, Paderborn, February 1 - March 13, 2002 / Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren, March 21 - June 9, 2002, cat. no.117 (fig. p. 31).
Hermann Stenner, Gemälde. Retrospektive 1909-1914, Kunsthalle Bielefeld, June 1 - August 31, 2003 / Galerie der Stadt Aschaffenburg, Jesuitenkirche, September 27 - November 16, 2003.

LITERATURE: Hans Georg Gmelin, Hermann Stenner 1891-1941, Munich 1975, p. 59, catalogue raisonné no. G 169 (fig. 14).
Jutta Hülsewig-Johnen/Christiane Reipschläger, Hermann Stenner. Catalogue raisonné of paintings, ed. by Freundeskreis Hermann Stenner e. V., Bielefeld 2003, catalogue raisonné no. 171 (fig. p. 239).
Hermann Stenner 1891-1914, ex. cat. Städtisches Kunsthaus, Bielefeld, ed. by Hans Hildebrandt, Bielefeld 1956, fig. p. 27.
Gustav Vriesen, Der Maler Hermann Stenner, in: Westfalen, vol. 35, 1957, issue 3, p.166.
Hans Georg Gmelin (ed.), Der Hölzelkreis bis 1914, ex. cat. Kunsthalle Bielefeld, fig. p. 83.
Erich Stenner, Über das Werk meines Bruders Hermann Stenner (1910-1914), Halle/Westfalen 1981, p. 7 (fig. p. 8).
Ulrich Weisner (ed.), Kunsthalle der Stadt Bielefeld, Katalog der Gemälde und skulpturen des 20. Jahrhunderts, ed. by Donata von Puttkamer, Bielefeld 1985, cat. no. 313, pp. 199f. (fig.).
Tim Cross (ed.), The Fallen. An Exhibition of Nine Artists who lost their Lives in World War One, Oxford 1988, p. 67 (title).
Kunsthalle Bielefeld (ed.), Hermann Stenner 1891-1914, Bielefeld 1991, p. 22 and p. 51

Hermann Stenner
Auferstehung, 1914.
Olio su tela
€ 80,000 / $ 82,400
€ 241,300 / $ 248,539

( commissione inclusa)