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Voglio ricevere offerte di  
Arte figurativa dal 1970 a oggi

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È interessato all'artista/ agli artisti?

Janssen Horst

Hundertwasser Friedensreich

Fußmann Klaus

Immendorff Jörg

Richter Gerhard

Lüpertz Markus

Fetting Rainer

Baselitz Georg

Penck A.R. (d.i. Ralf Winkler)

Antes Horst

Chagall Marc

Bach Elvira

Marini Marino

Balkenhol Stephan

Castelli Luciano

Hrdlicka Alfred

Polke Sigmar

Middendorf Helmut

Moore Henry

Hirst Damien

Grützke Johannes

Bisky Norbert

Wunderlich Paul

Kippenberger Martin

Rauch Neo

Choose your auction field:
June / December - Munich
Art of the 19th Century
June / December - Munich
Modern Art
June / December - Munich
Post War
June / December - Munich
Contemporary Art
May / November - Hamburg
Rare Books

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