Asta: 477 / Classics of the 20th Century II del 07 dicembre 2018 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 478

Anita Rée
Vision des heiligen Antonius zu Padua (Diptychon), 1930.
Olio su tavola
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 42,500 / $ 46,750

( commissione inclusa)
Vision des heiligen Antonius zu Padua (Diptychon). 1930.
Oil on panel.
Bruhns (2018) G 149 and G 150. Each 58 x 85 cm (22.8 x 33.4 in).

We are grateful to Dr. Maike Bruhns for her kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: From the artist's estate, testament inventory no. 22.
Collection Ada Bierich, Hamburg.
Art auctions Kendzia, Hamburg.
Art trader Famira, Sylt (acquired from aforementioned).
Private collection Northern Gernany (acquired from aforementioned in 2002).

EXHIBITION: Muse und Modell. Frauen in Bildern der Hamburgischen Sezession, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg October 20, 2006 - January 14, 2007, cat. no. 46, pp. 20f. (with color illu.).

"As far as Anita Rée is concerned, I have to admit that you - just like obviously most other Berliners - underestimate her. To me she belongs [.] among the best representatives of German art in our days [.]."
Gustav Pauli, 1930, director at Hamburger Kunsthalle, to Galerie Paul Cassirer in Berlin, quote from: Anita Rée. Retrospektive, Hamburger Kunsthalle, October 6, 2017 - February 4, 2018, p. 22.

Anita Rée
Vision des heiligen Antonius zu Padua (Diptychon), 1930.
Olio su tavola
€ 30,000 / $ 33,000
€ 42,500 / $ 46,750

( commissione inclusa)