Asta: 395 / Modern Art / Side lines of the German Avantgarde del 19 ottobre 2012 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 455

Bernhard Hoetger - Panther

Bernhard Hoetger
Panther, 1911.
€ 900 / $ 990
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750

( commissione inclusa)
Panther. 1911.
Ceramics. Red brown sherd, glazed in colors.
Werner 68. Drost 251. With name in lower right of front hoof. Number of copies unknown. 23 x 29,5 x 20 cm (9 x 11,6 x 7,8 in).
Executed by Max Läuger in the Kadern clayworks (with scratched factory mark in hollowware).
Hoetger made the model for this terracotta work during a stay in Florence in 1911. He was inspired to this technique by the Florentine Renaissance Maiolica. For the execution he commissioned Max Läuger in Kandern. [KH].

EXHIBITION: Bernhard Hoetger 1974-1949, Plastiken aus den Pariser Jahren 1900-1910, Graphisches Kabinett Kunsthandel Wolfgang Werner KG, Bremen, 4 March - 14 March, 1977 (with illu. in black and white, no p., presumably different copy).

Bernhard Hoetger
Panther, 1911.
€ 900 / $ 990
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750

( commissione inclusa)