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Seller, John, Practical Navigation., 1694.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,280 / $ 2,508

( commissione inclusa)
Schiffahrt. - Seller, John, Practical navigation or an introduction to the whole art .. The seventh edition, carefully corrected. Mit gest. Titel , 8 gefalt. Kupfertafeln mit geometr. Figuren sowie zahlr. Holzschnitten, geometr. Figuren und Tabellen im Text. London, J. D(arby) für den Autor 1694. Etw. spät. Kalbldr. mit reicher Rückenvergoldung. Kl.-4to. 4 Bll., 355 (recte 351) S., 74 Bll.

Frühes englisches, sehr populäres Navigationsbuch, erschien erstmals 1669 und wurde bis weit ins 18. Jh. verlegt. Trotz der hohen Auflagenzahl ist das Werk selten, zumal in der vorlieg. überarbeiteten 7. Auflage. - Wing verzeichnet nur 1 Exemplar (Princeton University). - "This early English work on navigation is perhaps most remarkable for the illustrations and full descriptions of all the nautical instruments then in use which it gives. It seems strange, that this important work, of which many editions were published, should have been unknown to Lowndes and Allibone, while Watt only knew the edition of 1711 .. 'Seller's Practical navigation , though without demonstrations has the rules of sailing in the different kinds, as performed by calculation, by the plane scale, by the Gunter, and by the sinical quadrant, with various other matters relative to the art: as also the use of the azimuth-compass as now modelled, the ring-dial, the sea-ring, cross-staff, David's quadrant, plough, nocturnal, inclinatory needle and globe, together with all the necessary tables: the whole being delivered in a manner so well adapted to the general humour of mariners, that it has undergone numberless edition: the last I have seen was in 1739' - J. Robertson" (Sotheran). - Leicht gebräunt und stellenw. leicht wasserrandig, tls. im Kopfsteg knapp beschnitten, gest. Titel entlang der Einfassungslinie ausgeschnitten und montiert, typogr. Titel mit zahlr. (2 getilgten und hinterl.) alten Nameneinträgen. Einbd. leicht berieben und fleckig.

Wing S 2483 B. - Vgl. Bibliotheca nautica 2166, Crone Library 328 (6.A.) und Sotheran, Suppl. II, 20062 (3.A.).

Seventh edition of this early english work on navigation, first pinted in 1669. With engr. title and 8 plates of diagrams, woodcuts and diagrams in the text. Later calf with rich gilt spine. - Slightly browned, waterstaining in places, top edge partly cropped close, engr. title cropped to bordering line and mounted, typogr. title with numerous (2 erased and backed) old owner's entries. Binding rubbed and stained.

Seller, John, Practical Navigation., 1694.
€ 2,000 / $ 2,200
€ 2,280 / $ 2,508

( commissione inclusa)