Asta: 550 / Evening Sale del 07 giugno 2024 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 47

Neo Rauch
MAL, 1994.
Oil on paper, collaged
Stima: € 90,000 / $ 94,500
MAL. 1994.
Oil on paper, collaged.
Signed and dated in the lower right. 196 x 124 cm (77.1 x 48.8 in), the full sheet.

• Pioneering early work by the celebrated protagonist of the New Leipzig School: a combination of painterly and figurative elements, symbolism, and enigma.
• One of Neo Rauch's first allegoric paintings: a complex, visual reflection on the existence of an artist.
• Rare. To date, only one other work on paper in this monumental format has been offered on the international auction market (source:
• Exhibited in 1997 in the important Rauch exhibition at the Museum der Bildenen Künste, Leipzig.
• Acquired through Rauch's first gallerist Gerd Harry Lybke, Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig, and part of a private collection in Berlin for 25 years

PROVENANCE: Galerie Eigen + Art, Leipzig.
Private collection Berlin (acquired from the above in 1999).

EXHIBITION: Neo Rauch, Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig November 6 - December 14, 1997, cat. no. 11 (illu. on p. 27).

LITERATURE: Hans Werner Holzwarth (ed.), Neo Rauch, Cologne 2012, p. 37 (illu.) and p. 458.
Thomas Wagner, Malerstar Neo Rauch. Im dunkeln Bezirk des ratlosen Ich, in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, November 9, 2006.

Called up: June 7, 2024 - ca. 18.32 h +/- 20 min.

Neo Rauch saw his artistic breakthrough in the 1990s, an era in which he laid the foundations for an enormous oeuvre that oscillated between figuration and abstraction, between Socialist Realism and Pop Art, between clearly legible iconographic references and seemingly irresolvable enigmas. Back in 2006, at the opening of the first major retrospective at the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg "Neo Rauch. Neue Rollen. Bilder 1993 - 2006", the 'Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung' celebrated Rauch as the "superstar of contemporary painting". "Without him, there would be no "New Leipzig School", regardless of whether it is a school at all, and you have to search for a long time to find another painter in the generation after Baselitz, Hockney, Kiefer, Richter, and Polke who even comes close to Rauch, who was born in Leipzig in 1960. At best, Luc Tuymans explores the no-man's-land between figuration and abstraction with comparable intensity [..]. (quoted from: ibid.). Solo exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, and the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art in New York followed in 2007. The present work "Mal" is a particularly early and groundbreaking composition, as it already has everything that would characterize Rauch's painterly work from then on, that is the virtuoso combination of figurative and painterly elements, of symbolism and enigma, and the aspect of artistic self-reflection, which has remained a key feature of Rauch's oeuvre to this day. At the beginning of the 1990s, however, most of Rauch's pictures were still deserted or just sparsely inhabited. In this respect, too, the present large-format painting on paper is groundbreaking for everything that was to follow after the turn of the millennium. While Neo Rauch is regarded as a shy, melancholic artist who is extremely reluctant to reveal anything about himself and his art, it is precisely his complex and ultimately always enigmatic pictorial inventions, as in the present work with the meaningful title "Mal", that bring Rauch's reflections on the significance of the artist and painting to the outside world. Rauch always focuses on power games, ideas of authority, and autonomy. "[..] he once came up with the idea of the artist as a child sitting in a playroom and gathering the toys around him in ever new constellations." (Peter Guth, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 1997).
In the present work, this imagery of the child at play is combined with the traditional imagery of the fateful moment characterized by its fragility and fleetingness. And so Rauch's playful child does not stand firmly on the ground but, like famous Fortuna personifications, on a moving toy cart. Only a few years after the end of the GDR, Rauch combined all of these elements with the imagery of the fountain and the parting of hair to create a complex contemporary allegory, thus adding to a long pictorial tradition that dates back to early modern Italian art and art theory. The intensive visual examination of his artistic personality as well as the genesis, function, and meaning of painting has had a decisive influence on Rauch's unique oeuvre to this day. [JS]

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Calcolo commissione particolare sul margine del profitto:
- Prezzo d’aggiudicazione fino a 800.000 euro: provvigione del 32%.
- Per la parte del prezzo d’aggiudicazione superiore a 800.000 euro si calcola una provvigione del 27%, che viene aggiunta a quella relativa alla parte del prezzo d’aggiudicazione fino a 800.000 euro.
- Per la parte del prezzo d’aggiudicazione superiore a 4.000.000 euro si calcola una provvigione del 22%, che viene aggiunta a quella relativa alla parte del prezzo d’aggiudicazione fino a 4.000.000 euro.
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Prezzo di aggiudicazione fino a 800.000 €: supplemento del 27%, più l´IVA legale
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Prezzo di aggiudicazione superiore a 4.000.000 €: Parte del prezzo che supera i 4.000.000 € supplemento del 15%, a talvolta maggiorato dell'IVA legale.

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Calcolo diritti di seguito:
Per le opere originali di arti figurative e fotografie di artisti viventi o deceduti da meno di 70 anni soggette al diritto di seguito, in tutti i casi suddetti viene riscossa in aggiunta, a liquidazione della compensazione del diritto di seguito dovuto dalla casa d'aste ai sensi del § 26 della legge tedesca sul diritto d'autore (Urheberrechtsgesetz, UrhG), una compensazione del diritto di seguito con le percentuali indicate nel § 26 2° comma UrhG, che attualmente sono le seguenti:
4 per cento della parte del ricavo della vendita da 400,00 euro a 50.000 euro,
un altro 3 per cento della parte del ricavo della vendita da 50.000,01 a 200.000 Euro,
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un altro 0,5 per cento della parte del ricavo della vendita da 350.000,01 a 500.000 euro e
un altro 0,25 per cento della parte del ricavo della vendita superiore a 500.000 euro.
L’importo complessivo della compensazione del diritto di seguito derivante da una rivendita è pari al massimo a 12.500 euro.