Asta: 352 / Old Masters and Art of the 19th Century del 28 aprile 2009 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 53

Jusepe de Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto - Großer Groteskenkopf

Jusepe de Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto
Großer Groteskenkopf, 1620.
Aqua forte
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 4,270 / $ 4,697

( commissione inclusa)

Großer Groteskenkopf. Frühe 1620s.
Bartsch 9. Brown 11 I (of II). Monogrammed and inscribed on the plate. Fine impression on laid paper (with watermark "Bird in a Circle") with tiny margins around the bordering line, partly trimmed to the bordering line. 21,5 : 14,1 cm (8,4 : 5,5 in), the full sheet.
EXPERTISE: Witha writing from the Calcografía Nacional, Madrid, from 21 October 2008
PROVENIENZ: Collection Wilhelm Eduard Drugulin, Leipzig (wit stamp on verso, Lugt 2612).
Collection Karl Eduard von Liphart, Dorpat, Bonn and Florence (with stamp on verso, Lugt 1687).
Private collection Spain.

Good overall impression. With two insignificant defcetive spots in margins, upper rigth corner with small defective spot. Isolated insignificant brown stains. [CM].

Jusepe de Ribera gen. Lo Spagnoletto
Großer Groteskenkopf, 1620.
Aqua forte
€ 1,500 / $ 1,650
€ 4,270 / $ 4,697

( commissione inclusa)