Asta: 439 / Modern Art II del 08 dicembre 2016 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 18

Georg Tappert
Kauernder weiblicher Akt, Um 1909.
Olio su tela
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 28,125 / $ 30,937

( commissione inclusa)
Kauernder weiblicher Akt. Um 1909.
Oil on canvas.
Wietek 88. Signed upper right. With inscription "42" on verso. 89 x 85 cm (35 x 33.4 in). [KD].

Tappert's expressive illustrations of female nudes are among the artist's most sought-after motifs on the international auction market.

PROVENANCE: Private collection Northern Germany.

EXHIBITION: Georg Tappert, on occasion of the artist's 15th day of death, Kunstamt Wedding, Berlin 1972.
Georg Tappert. Paintings 1906 - 1933. Rediscovery of an Expressionist. BAT-Haus, Hamburg 1977, cat. no. 4.
Georg Tappert. A Berlin Expressionist 1880 to 1957. Berlinische Galerie, Berlin 1980/81, cat. no. 3.
Georg Tappert. The Legacy. Works from the Georg-Tappert-Foundation. Paintings, watercolors, drawings, prints, photographs. Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum Schloß Gottorf, exhibition in Kloster Cismar, 11 June - 22 August, 1995, cat. no. 22, with illu. in colors on p. 78.
Georg Tappert. Deutscher Expressionist, Schloß Gottorf, Schleswig, 20 March - 12 June 2005, Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, 21 July - 23 October, 2005, cat. no. 14, with illu. in colors on p. 56.

LITERATURE: Brigitte Wetzel. Die Künstlerkolonie Worpswede und Georg Tappert, in: Schloß Gottdorf und seine Sammlungen. Jugendstil. Schleswig-Holsteinisches Landesmuseum, Schleswig 1998, no. 51, pp. 23-25.

In line with contemporary taste, the massive female body was a popular subject of German art at the beginning of the 20\up5 th century. Artist of Late-Impressionism, most of all Lovis Corinth, rendered ample homage to it. Georg Tappert, who was particularly fond of voluptuous female bodies, realized his idea of the female body examplarily in this work. The nude crouched into a square and the model’s entwined posture contribute to an optical effect that could not have been more concentrated. Fundamental academic rules still determine what is happening, however, just like his contemporaries, Tappert soon abandoned them. Despite all realism of style, the crouched nude emanates an aura of worldly joy in nice bodies, which, in line with the then prevailing liking, is shown in an immaculate richness.

Georg Tappert
Kauernder weiblicher Akt, Um 1909.
Olio su tela
€ 20,000 / $ 22,000
€ 28,125 / $ 30,937

( commissione inclusa)