Asta: 435 / Art of the 19th Century del 25 novembre 2016 a Monaco di Baviera Lot 33

Friedrich Preller d. Ä.
13 Bll.: Reise nach Norwegen, 1840.
Disegno a matita
€ 4,500 / $ 4,950
€ 17,500 / $ 19,250

( commissione inclusa)
13 Bll.: Reise nach Norwegen. 1840.
Pencil drawings.
Some inscribed. On wove paper. Up to 15.8 x 19.5 cm (6.2 x 7.6 in).
Mounted in an album. Half calf binding with triple gilt edges and gilt lettered title "Album". Dimensions of book ca. 21 x 18 x 1.3 cm (8.2 x 7 x 0.5 in). Half title with hand-written ownership entry of Emil Preller (1836-1893), the artist's second oldest son.
The album contains 17 further mounted drawings by various artists (13 pencil-, 3 feather drawings and 1 watercolor over pencil), as well as two heliotypes. These drawings come from Friedrich Preller the Younger (1838-1901), Louis Preller (1822-1901), Ernst Hemken (1834-1911), Jan Antoon Verschaeren (1803-1863), Goethe's secretary and estate adminisrator Johann Christian Schuchardt (1799-1870), Ernst Hasse (1819-1860), Friedrich Nerly (1807-1878), Johann Michael Wittmer (1802-1880) et al. [CB].

We are grateful to Uwe Steinbrück, University Jena, for his kind expert advice.

PROVENANCE: Private ownership Southern Germany (inherited from the artist's family).

LITERATURE: Julius Gensel, Friedrich Preller the Elder, Bielefeld/Leipzig 1904, p. 57 and illu. 42 (p. 44).
Marianne Bernhard (editor), Deutsche Romantik. Handzeichnungen, Munich 1973, vol. 2, p. 1151 (illu. pp. 1168 and 1169).
Ina Weinrautner, Friedrich Preller the Elder - Leben und Werk, Bonn 1996 (dissertation), pp. 60ff. and 249ff.

Friedrich Preller d. Ä.
13 Bll.: Reise nach Norwegen, 1840.
Disegno a matita
€ 4,500 / $ 4,950
€ 17,500 / $ 19,250

( commissione inclusa)