Asta: 482 / Rare Books del 27 maggio 2019 ad Amburgo Lot 97

Jack Kerouac
On the Road (illustr. von Ed. Ruscha), 2009.
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 2,337 / $ 2,570

( commissione inclusa)
Jack Kerouac
On the road. New York (u. a.), Gagosian Gallery sowie Göttingen, Steidl 2009.

Das Manifest der Beat-Generation, hier zusammen mit den einfühlsamen Fotografien von Ed Ruscha.

1 von 350 numerierten Exemplaren, im Druckvermerk von Ed Ruscha signiert und datiert. - "It is completely fitting that Ed Ruscha would take up the challenge of looking at Kerouac's On the Road. In many ways Ruscha's entire career has offered an artistic corollary to Kerouac's linguistic portrait of the American landscape, giving concrete visual form to the poetry of our vernacular roadside" (Douglas Fogle zur Hammer Exhibition im Sommer 2011; - "brings together two great visionaries of art and language - Ed Ruscha and Jack Kerouac. Both men revolutionized the transparent use of words to document and comment on the shifting character of the American cultural landscape."
" .. I think of Dean Moriarty, I even think of Old Dean Moriarty the father we never found, I think of Dean Moriarty" (der berühmte Schlußsatz).

EINBAND: Orig.-Einband in Papier und Leder mit Deckel- und Rückentitel in Schwarz (nach einer Zeichnung von Kerouac), Orig.-Schuber. 33,5 : 45,5 cm. - ILLUSTRATION: Mit 50 montierten Fotografien überwiegend von Ed Ruscha und Gary Regester. - ZUSTAND: Tadelloses Exemplar in der Orig.-Verpackung und mit den beilieg. weißen Handschuhen.

The manifest of the Beat generation, here with the insightful photographs from Ed Ruscha. 1 of 350 numbered copies, signed and dated by Ed Ruscha in printer's note. Orig. binding in paper and leather with title in black on front board and on spine (after a drawing by Kerouac), in orig. slipcase. With 50 mounted photographs, mainly by Ed Ruscha and Gary Regester. - Flawless copy in orig. packaging and with the original white gloves.(R)

Jack Kerouac
On the Road (illustr. von Ed. Ruscha), 2009.
€ 2,500 / $ 2,750
€ 2,337 / $ 2,570

( commissione inclusa)